About Julia

Headshot for author Julia Rocchi

You want to learn more about me? I'm honored!

My short, alliterative bio: My name is Julia Rocchi. I write prose, poetry, and prayers.

My longer, more formal bio: A professional writer and editor, I have worked for 15+ years in nonprofit marketing and communications where I create and promote digital content (articles, emails, social media, and videos) for a national audience. With an MA in Writing from Johns Hopkins University, I have garnered multiple story publications and honors, including First Place in the Saturday Evening Post’s 2018 Great American Fiction Contest and Semi-Finalist for Ruminate Magazine’s 2018 William Van Dyke Short Story Prize.

My book Amen? Questions for a God I Hope Exists (Lake Drive Books, 2022) is a collection of graceful musings, prayers, and poems for a wandering, wondering, doubt-laden, hope-filled faith that reflects the desire to believe as much as belief itself. Learn more.

I first started writing my blog (formerly titled Italian Mother Syndrome) in earnest in 2008 to fill a gap I saw in spiritual content geared toward young adults. Now, 10+ years and hundreds of posts later, the blog and I have grown up together, maturing in style, substance, and faith.

Today I live in Arlington, Virginia, with my family, where I am discovering that my current season of life entails drinking cold coffee and snagging writing moments where I can.

Feel free to join me online via:

  • Twitter (where I muse about writing and faith)
  • Instagram (where I seek beauty and humor)
  • Facebook (where I share more personal life updates)
  • LinkedIn (where I showcase accomplishments from my day job)