A care package only my mother could love
Some mothers bring cookies when they visit. Mine brings greens.
The situation: Mama Rocchi is coming to visit this weekend. I receive the following email this morning.
This brings me back to my college days when I would receive that most holy of mail items -- the care package. Except my mother didn't stoop to the pedestrian treats. Here's how the scene would usually play out:
Though I will say this: I avoided the freshmen 15 entirely and knew to sidestep unhealthy college hook-ups (thank you, Philadelphia Inquirer) all because of my mother's care packages. And if that's not love, I don't know what is.
UPDATE: My mother's response to this post.
Not at all, Mom. Not at all. :-)
The situation: Mama Rocchi is coming to visit this weekend. I receive the following email this morning.
OK. I’m ready right now to get on that train. This day is going to verrrrrrry long.
Just wanted to say that.
Have a great day and see you tonight!
Love, Mom
PS: I’m bringing two big bunches of arugula with me. I know your father won’t eat them over the weekend and I didn’t want them to go bad. We can have a yummy salad!
This brings me back to my college days when I would receive that most holy of mail items -- the care package. Except my mother didn't stoop to the pedestrian treats. Here's how the scene would usually play out:
Roommate: "Wow, look at all the cookies and candy my mom sent me!"
College-aged Julia: "Wow, look at all the ... articles my mom sent me ... oh, and here's some V8 ..."
Though I will say this: I avoided the freshmen 15 entirely and knew to sidestep unhealthy college hook-ups (thank you, Philadelphia Inquirer) all because of my mother's care packages. And if that's not love, I don't know what is.
UPDATE: My mother's response to this post.
LOL x 2
X 2 because I just sent [your brother] an article inside a good luck card for his internship AND I left an article for him on the kitchen table yesterday morning.
But I DID give him $20 last night so he would have a little pocket money for his first day tomorrow!!!
Am I that predictable ... and un-fun?
Not at all, Mom. Not at all. :-)