Swag in the name of service
Yes, ServiceNation, I can be bought for the price of a T-shirt and some well-designed press materials. Behold, the first blogger swag I have ever received via mail!

Of course, any semi-regular IMS reader knows I have been a tag-along blogger for ServiceNation since its kickoff last September. So while the fun package of free goodies didn't buy any more of my loyalty, it did remind me to update you on where the movement stands.
* President Obama renewed the call for service at his inauguration:
* The GIVE Act and Serve America Act are in the House and Senate respectively, and moving toward final passage. Get involved by calling your representative, becoming a co-sponsor, and/or signing the Facebook petition.
* Track the Kennedy-Hatch Act at OpenCongress.org. You can even make a bill status widget! (Because nothing says "hey, my blog is sexy!" quite like that does.)
And as always, if you have any stories, kudos, critiques, or other thoughts related to national service, please share them here!
P.S. to ServiceNation ... next time could you send handbags, perfume, and other accessories? I promise to givenone of some of ok fine ALL of it away to needy children. And if that won't work, then a different T-shirt (size small) would work. Or some link love. Or a cookie. Whatever works.
Of course, any semi-regular IMS reader knows I have been a tag-along blogger for ServiceNation since its kickoff last September. So while the fun package of free goodies didn't buy any more of my loyalty, it did remind me to update you on where the movement stands.
* President Obama renewed the call for service at his inauguration:
“And to encourage a renewed spirit of national service for this and future generations, I ask this Congress to send me the bipartisan legislation that bears the name of Senator Orrin Hatch as well as an American who has never stopped asking what he can do for his country – Senator Edward Kennedy.”
* The GIVE Act and Serve America Act are in the House and Senate respectively, and moving toward final passage. Get involved by calling your representative, becoming a co-sponsor, and/or signing the Facebook petition.
* Track the Kennedy-Hatch Act at OpenCongress.org. You can even make a bill status widget! (Because nothing says "hey, my blog is sexy!" quite like that does.)
And as always, if you have any stories, kudos, critiques, or other thoughts related to national service, please share them here!
P.S. to ServiceNation ... next time could you send handbags, perfume, and other accessories? I promise to give