Looking for new ways to expand your mind?
No, I am not referring to anything - ahem - pharmaceutical in nature. This is strictly about new online reading material. Minds out of gutters, people.
Of course, I'm making the HUGE assumption here that you have enough time to read all the books/track all the sites/follow all the feeds you've already committed yourself to. And though I'm pretty sure you don't, I'm going to point out some fun additions to my blogroll anyway that you might want to check out in a
And at the very least, you'll have a little more insight into this blog's author!
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media. Beth Kanter is reigning queen of social media in the nonprofit world. Few lessons are learned, and fewer trends succeed, without going through Beth. Check her out on Twitter too (@kanter) for how to achieve the most digital good.
TED Blog. It stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. Because we all need regular reminders that a) Earth hosts some very brilliant people, b) we are probably not among them, and c) those folks are saving us from ourselves. The video lectures have amazing production quality, and the topics are wide-ranging. Trust me, the content will blow your mind.
This I Believe. I've linked to this so many times in the past few months, I figured I might as well stick it on the blogroll. I have a crush on ordinary people sharing their stories. Share the love.
Thoughts and Reflections On and About Rural Life. Blogger/minister Jim Kane (@jjkane) has been a wonderful supporter of mine over the last few months, so I honor him here with a blogroll spot for his unique POV into rural life and leadership. You can also check out his religious writing at Small Town Sermons and Thoughts.
Young Adult Catholics. Because I'm a young adult Catholic myself. And because I love the fact they have a team of smart bloggers and a progressive mindset and the refreshing understanding that spirituality is everywhere. I'll be following with interest -- perhaps you'll join?
Now stop reading this list and read the blogs themselves. Go. GO!
Photo by moriza