Prayer #152: This One Goes Out To The Ones I Love
In honor of Valentine's Day, I'd like to present Italian Mother Syndrome's Catalog of Love, designed for every emotional need and whim.
- Enamored with your fabulous friends? Try Nights Left Open to Chance.
- Can't find the words to express what's in your heart? Maybe Labor of Love can unlock the eloquence.
- For the medically minded among us (ahem, Fella and his cronies, I'm looking at you), "Love is kind of by your trachea" will tickle you pink (and red and white).
- Struggling to love yourself and all you have to give? Come Out Come Out Whoever You Are might help.
- If you're falling into a nauseating vortex of romantic love, I suggest you Giddy Up/Down to this post.
- Wondering how love is patient, love is kind ... yet you're not? Join the club and read Love Bugs.
- Lonelyhearts, I implore you, don't despair -- here's an open letter to all the boys I haven't kissed yet.
- And for those weeks, days, moments when we wonder if we'll ever know all that love can be, I share only this: that a story without love is not worth telling.
Prayer #152: This One Goes Out To The Ones I Love
I pray for babies who grasp at mobiles, blow raspberries, and sing themselves to sleep.
I pray for kids who imagine pirate ships in their backyards and set sail before dinner.
I pray for adults hell-bent on changing the world, because to believe it is to do it.
I pray for friends who, through stellar example, challenge you to become your best version.
I pray for couples who grasp what they've signed up for and proceed with enthusiasm.
I pray for parents, pending or practiced, as they pop buttons and Tylenol in equal measure.
I pray for seniors who graciously impart what they know to make room for new lessons.
I pray for souls who have left our sides but not our memories.
I pray for them because I know them all. I pray for them because I love them all. I pray for them because You love them all.
May they know it and be glad.