Turning up the heat on climate justice

You can recycle till you're blue and reuse to stay in the black, but does that really make the world greener for everyone? Worse, are the actions you're taking making the climate crisis worse for others?

If the answer is yes (and surprise, it is), then you've just gone straight to the heart of climate justice. I learned this term today from Jake Brewer, one of the mobilizers over at Energy Action Coalition and general DC do-gooder-about-town.

So what is climate justice? Three things, according to Jake:

1. The belief that bad climate policy -- decisions and actions that destroy what we all share -- is unjust.

2. The understanding that climate policy hits communities, cities, even countries of lower socioeconomic standing the hardest -- and usually for the worse. Jake cited the resource raping in Africa as one strong example.

3. The shift in perspective that shows how what is caused by others helps or harms individuals

Want to learn more? You can find more explanations on climate justice here:
The Climate Justice Programme

Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative

Global Issues: Climate Justice and Equity

It's Getting Hot in Here: Dispatches from the Youth Climate Movement